About AUW

About Aloha United Way

Aloha United Wayʻs mission is to advance the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Hawai‛i. For more than 100 years, we have been known for working to raise awareness and funding for local nonprofit organizations, but today Aloha United Way amplifies your donations in myriad ways. Thanks to you we create systemic, transformative social change by focusing on four key areas:

We are a PARTNER. We bring together individuals, nonprofit organizations, and businesses to address the most pressing needs in our community.  As a partner to more than 300 nonprofit organizations we are able to identify some of the most impactful work happening in our community. We work collaboratively with partners to identify and address trends and bring awareness to emerging needs. Our partner agencies gain much-needed support in fundraising, marketing, and advocacy. 

We are an ADVOCATE. AUWʻs 211 Statewide Resource Helpline data, ALICE Initiative reports and network provide important information that informs legislation and stakeholder action. Aloha United Way is focused on advocating for those without a voice and for the nonprofit community as a whole. By building and maintaining networks, meeting with lawmakers and community stakeholders, Aloha United Way creates a path to change. 

We are a RESOURCE. Through Aloha United Wayʻs 211 Statewide Resource Helpline, we connect thousands of users with more than 4,000 programs offered by nonprofit and government agencies. From, “hello” to help, 211 connects real people with resources and support every day. This is a statewide service, reaching far beyond Oahu.

AUW Nonprofit Partner Agencies also receive funding, capacity-building, research data, and marketing support to amplify their impact. In 2022, AUWʻs Nonprofit Partner Agencies leveraged an additional $4.6M in funding because of what AUW invested thanks to community members like you. We provide the entire community with information that allows for quick and targeted response to need. The 211 data provides information about resource deserts, trends in need, and gives government agencies and nonprofits the ability to respond quickly and efficiently. The ALICE Reports are a resource that every corner of our community utilizes today and resources like this wouldnʻt be possible without your support. 

We are a CONNECTOR. We bring people, organizations, government, and businesses together for positive change. Coalitions and partnerships drive advocacy work. We connect Nonprofit Partners with necessary data and investment, and even volunteers. The ALICE Cohort (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) is collectively responsible for bringing greater financial stability and savings to thousands and thousands of households across Oʻahu. 

When you donate to Aloha United Way, you #impactyourcommunity. There is no other agency that provides the breadth and depth of impact opportunities that AUW has today. Whether you invest in an individual AUW Nonprofit Partner or an AUW Impact Area like the 211 Statewide Resource Helpline, community Care Fund, or ALICE Fund, your donation is amplified. Aloha United Way works with individuals and workplaces to create a better future for all of us. 

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